Surfcenter now open 2020!
The Yyteri Surfcenter opened on monday 18.5.2020!
Our operations are impacted by the coronavirus instructions made by the City of Pori and AVI. We will aim to operate as normally as possible, yet do everything to ensure that the coronavirus does not spread.

Rules for the whole 2020 season
*Rental and lessons are possible for groups of max 6 people. Larger groups need to be split into smaller groups and taught along the day.
*Customers and hobbyists shall wash their hands well upon arrival.
*Payments will be made outside, the Surfcenter office is not in use.
*Customers shall enter the equipment storage one by one.
*The customer shall wash and rinse any rented personal gear well after use. The washed equipment is returned to the rack outside the equipment storage.
*It is not possible to stay overnight on or near the Surfcenter promise during the 2020 season.
*When on the water you may keep a distance of 100 meters or more to other people π
*It is not possible to get up-close with the Surf-instructor during the 2020 season, regardless of how hot the instructor is π
18.5. – 31.5.2020
Gatherings of over 10 people at the Surfcenter are prohibited. The changingrooms, showers and toilets are not in use, in accordance with the instructions from the City of Pori.
The changingrooms will be opened for customers momentarily when renting equipment or when participating in a windsurf / SUP course for the purpose of changing gear. Only 1-2 people may enter each changing room at a time. The use of showers and the sauna is not suggested.
The changing rooms are closed from general use until 31.5.
The Surfcenter equipment storage may be used for storing and retrieving storage equipment.
1.6.2020 –
A larger number of people will be allowed on the Surfcenter premises, however the number of people will be restricted in order to maintain safe social-distancing guidelines. In order to maintain an appropriate distance among users, a maksimum of approximately 20 people may reside on the Surfcenter premises.
Changingrooms, showers, the sauna
-Womens changingroom: maximum 2 users at a time
-Mens changingroom: maximum 3 users at a time, only 1 person at a time may use the showers.
-The sauna: only 2 people may use the sauna at a time. No close contact is allowed in the sauna this summer, unfortunately π

Despite the coronavirus restrictions, we warmly welcome you to come and enjoy windsurfing, SUP, the beach, the sea and the sun at the Yyteri Surfcenter this season!
Additional information on coronavirus restrictions set by the City of Pori;
Instructions regarding the safety of beaches during the coronavirus epidemic:
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